DHI Hair Transplant

Hair loss and shedding is a serious problem for everyone. Male or everyone’s hair and baldness are different from each other. Lush and healthy hair is one of the most important conditions for looking younger and healthier. If your hair is falling out and starting to decrease, it is best to try to take action immediately. Do not forget that appearance and vibrant hair are very important and hair loss is not a problem that can be postponed.

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    But let’s say you couldn’t prevent it and your hair fell out to a great extent. Now, hair transplantation methods have improved so much that you can easily solve this problem. Hair transplantation should not scare you. Thanks to the new methods, you can reach healthy hair in a much shorter time, painlessly and painlessly.

    Classic Hair Transplant Methods

    The most used hair transplant technique until today was the FUE hair transplant method. This method is still used and is highly effective. It has been developed in various ways as the first hair transplant method. But with the development of technology, important changes have been observed in hair transplantation methods.

    One of the methods used in the last decade is the DHI hair transplantation method. Especially after 2016, the number of patients who preferred this technique started to increase gradually. Nowadays, the FUE, Fut and DHI method has become widespread in general. If you want to get more information about the DHI method, you can take a look at our article.

    What is the Main Difference of DHI Hair Transplantation?

    In the DHI hair transplant method, as in other methods, hair follicles, ie grafts, are taken from the donor area and transplanted to the balding area. In this way, it is very similar to the FUE technique, which is the first hair transplant method. But there are also very important differences between them.

    The first of these differences is an issue that makes patients who want to have hair transplantation think a little. In the FUE method or in the classical methods used before, the area where the hair follicle will be taken was shaved to a large extent. But this is no longer necessary. DHI is not shaved in hair transplantation.

    Hair follicles less likely to be damaged

    During the hair transplant methods, the hair follicles taken from the donor area were kept in a private place for a while. This requires taking precautions to protect them alive. With the development of the DHI method, this requirement was eliminated. There is no need for such a waiting period anymore.

    With the DHI technique, the hair follicles collected with the same needle are immediately transplanted to the bald area with this needle. DHI is considered an advantageous method because the hair follicles are transplanted immediately without any damage. Another curious issue is whether everyone can choose this method or not.

    Who Can Choose The DHI Method?

    Those who prefer DHI, which is one of the most advantageous hair transplant methods, generally suffer from a small number of hair loss rather than a large amount. For example, if any part of your hair is bald to a large extent rather than completely, you can choose this method. Although the area to be transplanted is a very narrow and limited area, DHI is best for you. You can decide on this method in line with your doctor’s recommendations and you can now have healthy hair. However, there are also disadvantages or aspects that need attention.

    Points to Consider in DHI Method

    The DHI hair transplant method requires a little more attention and care than other methods. Since it is a sensitive and delicate method, it may cost you a little more. Before making a decision, you can make a planning about your budget and talk to your doctor. On the other hand, you need to be careful in choosing a hospital and a doctor.

    In fact, if you are going to have a hair transplant, be careful about the hospital and the doctor in all circumstances. Do not choose a place where specialist physicians do not undergo hair transplantation. Take care of your health and choose a certified and reliable hair transplant center. But if the method to be used is DHI, remember that the doctor must also be experienced.

    Details of the DHI Method

    The canal method to be opened in the DHI method is slightly different from other hair transplantation methods. In addition, the opening of the channels and the angle of placement of the hair is very important in this method as in all other methods. That’s why an experienced and professional doctor is essential. It may seem like a process that should take less time. But the DHI method takes a little longer than others. You should also consider this.

    The most important thing for you is to get help from a specialist and experienced physician and to consult your physician while making a decision. However, if the method is applied correctly in this way, you can be satisfied with the result. Therefore, first of all, you need to do a careful research and find a good hair transplant clinic or hospital and doctor.

    Does Hair Transplant Necessarily Require Shaving?

    The main thing in the DHI method is that the area from which the hair follicle will be taken is not shaved. In the past, in all hair transplantation methods, the area to be transplanted was shaved to a great extent. But there is no such requirement anymore. In FUE and FUT methods, the area to be transplanted is not shaved. However, in FUE and FUT, the area where the hair follicle will be taken is usually shaved. In the DHI method, there is no need for this.

    Does the DHI Method Give Successful Results?

    It is everyone’s dream to regain healthy hair. In such an operation, one wants to enter once and get a definite result. Medicine has advanced a lot in hair transplant methods. The devices and methods used have now been improved a lot and generally successful results can be obtained. But the most important trick for more natural and thicker hair is the choice of a doctor.

    If your doctor is experienced, he will definitely be successful in the angle of insertion and grooving of the hair. Thus, the feared grass man image does not occur later. A bad appearance does not occur during hair growth and regrowth. Even if hair transplantation will be performed, especially in the hairy area and between them, the experience of your doctor becomes very important. If these points are observed, DHI gives successful results.

    Things to Consider After DHI Hair Transplantation

    DHI hair transplantation can sometimes take up to two days. In other words, an application that takes six hours in other methods should be calculated as two days and six hours in DHI. It is important that you follow your doctor’s advice during these two days. For example, you should be careful about drug use and smoking. You should not take the blood thinners you should use for a while.

    You should consider your doctor’s warnings and recommendations about the number of hair follicles and the method. It is best to quit smoking a while before the hair transplant. Smoking and drinking alcohol can delay the regrowth of hair follicles. It is also important to stay away from the sauna and pool for the period recommended by your doctor and to take care of yourself by avoiding very heavy sports.

    Our hair is one of our most important organs that we do not appreciate very much. They play a big role in our external image. It is very important not to lose them and to be careful in order to have a successful hair transplant operation. If you listen to your doctor well and do not hinder your controls, you can regain new and vibrant hair after a while.