Hair Transplant


Although not much is known about hair mesotherapy, it is actually a treatment method that everyone needs. Our hair is one of our most important organs that we must protect with care. But usually after it starts to lose its value, we understand. If you feel that your hair is getting dull and weak before you lose it, you can also get help for hair mesotherapy. However, this treatment may not be applied in all clinics and hair transplant centers. After choosing a reliable and experienced clinic or health center in this area, you can get help with treatment.

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    What Does Hair Mesotherapy Do?

    Amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for our hair can be depleted in our body for various reasons. Especially with aging, we can say that some of the substances necessary for the skin and hair in our body begin to decrease significantly. In fact, the most important thing to do in this case is to get help from various vitamin and mineral tablets after consulting a doctor. But sometimes you may be too late for that.

    Your body may not respond to any supplement tablets or drugs. In this case, you can apply a method such as hair mesotherapy. In this method, minerals, vitamins and amino acids required for our hair are injected just under the scalp. Thus, our hair responds to the treatment in a very short time and can immediately start to look more vibrant and bushy.

    Why is Hair Mesotherapy Effective?

    If the hair follicles cannot be nourished, the hair may start to look dull or even fall out. In order for the hair follicles to be nourished adequately, minerals and vitamins must be injected into the roots. Thanks to hair mesotherapy, such auxiliary substances are provided to reach the hair very easily. This treatment is a very effective method for the scalp and hair.

    Recently, many people resort to this application in modern cosmetic treatment methods. With this treatment, it is possible to revitalize the inactive and sleeping bulbs in the hair follicles, to provide the nutrients they need to the hair follicles and to prevent dandruff. Hair mesotherapy treatment applied by micro injection method should be done by a specialist and experienced doctor. People who are considering having it done should first choose a reliable hair care center or clinic.

    Who Can Have Hair Mesotherapy?

    Anyone with hair loss is a suitable candidate for this treatment. If you cannot prevent your hair loss and feel that your hair has decreased significantly compared to the old times, you can have this treatment before it is too late. There is a condition called seborrhea in the scalp, the main reason for this is the deterioration of the sebaceous glands in the scalp. One of the most effective treatments for this problem is hair mesotherapy.

    This method can also treat problems such as scratches, dryness and dandruff on the scalp. If your hair is constantly breaking and the ends are bifurcated, you can have this treatment. The decrease in the volume in the basal area of the hair and the thinning of the hair are also a problem that hair mesotherapy can treat.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Hair Mesotherapy

    Hair mesotherapy is actually a beneficial treatment method not only for hair but also for the skin. It is even considered to revitalize our face. Before the treatment is applied, a meso cocktail is prepared considering the needs of the patient.

    Sometimes, your doctor may order some tests to find out which vitamins and minerals are deficient in you before treatment. As a result of these tests, the vitamin and mineral mixture you need is prepared. This treatment, which is specially prepared for each patient, has no known side effects. However, while applying the treatment, both the content of the mixture and the skin structure should be carefully examined. It can have negative consequences for some people with sensitive skin. In order to prevent this, it must be done by a competent and professional person in the field.

    Another disadvantage of hair mesotherapy is that the treatment is a bit expensive because it is specially prepared for everyone. However, it is definitely a treatment that deserves its cost and it is effective in solving the skin and hair problems of many patients in a short time.

    How Many Sessions of Hair Mesotherapy Is Applied?

    Hair loss decreases after a while after hair mesotherapy is applied. On the other hand, the hair becomes more lively and support can be provided for the new hair. The curls in your hair look longer and more lively because the activity of the sebaceous glands begins to decrease. Oxygen and blood flow is provided to the bulbs in the hair, which promotes the regeneration of the hair. While dandruff decreases, the increase in hair density becomes more evident day by day.

    Hair looks shinier and is easier to style and comb. Because hair mesotherapy provides the necessary moisture to the hair to a great extent. The number of sessions to be done after this treatment is started is a matter that will be determined by the doctor who performs the application. An experienced and competent doctor can make a more accurate decision about how long the patient should be treated.

    How Is Hair Mesotherapy Applied?

    Hair mesotherapy is applied by injection method. Two or six benefit agents are combined in each injection. These combinations are determined according to the needs of the patient. During and after the application, a slight pain may be felt behind the ears and generally in the back of the head. However, these are temporary and pain relievers prescribed by the doctor can be used.

    It is better not to do it during pregnancy and menstrual periods. The number of times to be applied and the frequency of the application are determined by the doctor. Immediately after the application, it is necessary to be careful and avoid places such as saunas and pools for four days.

    In addition, sufficient information about skin sensitivity, medications used and medical history should be given to the doctor. Problems that occur after the procedure should be followed closely to avoid side effects. For a while, it is normal to see problems such as edema, scaling and shedding of the scalp, but it is still important not to disrupt the doctor’s controls after the application.

    Why Is Hair Mesotherapy Necessary?

    In general, very few women are satisfied with their hair and whose hair is thick and lively without doing anything. Our hair is the organs most affected by environmental factors. It is exposed to intense pollution every day. However, frequent cleaning and contact with water does not provide a definitive solution. Hair is one of our organs that are most quickly affected by almost all kinds of adversity.

    Insomnia, fatigue and stress constantly affect our hair. It is also difficult to feel good and positive in life conditions. Therefore, there are times when we need to take special care of our hair. Our hair needs constant attention and care. We must take precautions and take care for our hair that has become lifeless and falling out.

    Is Hair Mesotherapy Effective?

    You can use quality and effective cosmetic products for your hair and use nutritional supplements in line with the doctor’s recommendations. However, these may not always be enough. In such cases, minerals, vitamins and amino acids injected directly into the scalp can be effective in a shorter time.

    However, as we mentioned above, the important thing is that the application is made by an expert and very experienced person. Otherwise, allergic and adverse effects may occur and your health may be endangered. If you have it in an absolutely reliable and certified health center, the treatment will be much more effective and no side effects are seen. Hair mesotherapy is a treatment method that many women apply today and the results are generally satisfactory.