Painless Hair Transplant


Hair transplantation is one of the aesthetic surgery areas that has improved greatly in recent years. Many innovations have been made in almost every stage of this operation. Thus, patients who want to have a hair transplant have nothing to fear anymore. If you also complain about an intense hair loss or balding, you should not wait any longer for a hair transplant.

If you want to be aware of the innovations in hair transplantation and benefit from this surgical method, the first thing you need to do is to find a reliable and experienced health center. You should be meticulous about the professional and experienced doctors who will undergo operations in this center. After finding such a center, you can get information from your doctor about the details of the operation and learn everything that is stuck in your mind and you can enter the operation.

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    How Is Hair Transplantation Performed?

    If you haven’t done much research on hair transplantation yet, we have to state that hair transplantation is definitely not the process of adding another hair to your balding areas. Hair transplantation is an operation that allows patients to regain their own hair by reviving the hair follicles in the areas where hair is no longer growing. Hair follicles taken from the patient himself are placed in the desired areas by opening channels. Thus, hair starts to grow again after a while in these areas. Most of the patients who have hair transplantation do not face the risk of losing their hair again. It is a highly effective and precise solution.

    Is Hair Transplant Operation Painful?

    One of the first questions that many people considering hair transplant have in mind is whether this operation is painful or not. If there are people who are confused about this, first of all, we should state that thanks to the developments in recent years, this operation can now be performed much more easily and comfortably. Many new methods and devices have been developed to make patients feel fully comfortable.

    In addition to the FUE technique, which is one of the oldest methods, sapphire tipped pens that allow micro injection were also developed. Thus, operations are performed much more painlessly and comfortably. Before the hair transplant operation, local anesthesia is usually applied to the patients. There are many new developments in anesthesia, and new methods developed for patients who are now afraid of needles are also very effective.

    Sedation Hair Transplant

    When it comes to painless hair transplantation, the first thing that comes to mind is the sedation hair transplant operation. Sedation is a method developed for patients who do not want to undergo anesthesia by having an injection. Just like local anesthesia with injection, it is a method that helps the patient become completely insensitive and undergo an operation without feeling any pain.

    Sedation anesthesia is the process of allowing the patient to fall asleep by administering certain medications before the operations. In this way, the patient receives anesthesia without needles and without any injection. Since it is as effective as other methods, the patient does not feel any pain or ache during the operation.

    The most important point here is that this method can now be used even in babies. In other words, sedation anesthesia is a completely safe application. Drugs can be given to the patient through the respiratory tract or with serum by opening a vascular access. The patient does not completely fall asleep as under general anesthesia, he becomes conscious. But it becomes completely relaxed and feels no pain.

    How is Hair Transplantation Performed Painless?

    Anesthesia is strictly applied for painless hair transplantation. Some clinics that closely follow developments in this regard may also apply the latest anesthesia techniques. The patient who decides on hair transplantation must find the best clinic. It is important that the devices and methods in this clinic are compatible with the new technology. In addition, the most important criterion for a good clinic is that the doctors must be very professional and experienced. In such a clinic, you may be offered different anesthesia options.

    The needle anesthesia method is actually not very painful. The pain of the needle is as much as the needles that dentists put into your mouth. But more than one injection is required and some patients are uncomfortable with this situation. Sedation is one of the best methods for these patients. General anesthesia is not preferred in any hair transplant operation. Because this anesthesia has little risks and it is not used in hair transplantation except in very special cases. Local anesthesia can also be performed with a needle or sedation, depending on the patient’s preference and sensitivity.

    Steel Tipped Pens

    Anesthesia method is important for the patient to be completely comfortable during the hair transplant operation. Because there are two basic stages of hair transplantation and anesthesia is required in both. The first of these is the collection of hair follicles. In general, the part of the scalp that is the least shed part on the nape is selected to collect hair follicles. Hair follicles called grafts are not only roots, but may also contain a piece of skin. In order to separate these parts from the skin, very fine-tipped and high-quality steel needles are used.

    The quality of these needles does not affect the pain during the operation. Since the patient is already under anesthesia, he does not feel pain. But it affects the recovery time and pain after the operation. The finer and better the pen tips, the faster the recovery time. Since these pens will not irritate the skin too much, there is less crusting and redness on the scalp and the patient can recover more quickly.

    Sapphire Tipped Pens

    Both steel-tipped pens and sapphire-tipped pens are used, not for collecting hair follicles, but for channeling and placing. This may vary depending on the hair transplant method. Sapphire tipped pens can be used in the classical method, FUE method. In this method, first the hair follicle is collected and then the hair follicle is placed. But in the method called DHI, where hair follicles can be placed in between, rather than massive hair loss, metal ues are preferred. The reason for this is that the hair follicles are taken and placed at the same time.

    Hair follicles are collected and placed with the same pencils. Metal-tipped pens do little damage to leather if they are made of very fine-tipped and high-quality mineral mixtures. But sapphire tipped pens provide a more important advantage in this regard. It is possible to open micro channels and make smaller incisions with sapphire tipped pens used in the FUE technique. The finest-tipped and highest quality pens are used in a clinic that follows the latest developments and technology. The patient does not feel pain during the operation, and then heals very quickly and feels less pain.

    Points Reducing Hair Transplant Pain

    To sum up, painless hair transplant operation depends on some points. The first of these is to keep the motor speed level low in the motor pens used while collecting the hair follicles. More importantly, the metal mixture used in these pens is of good quality and the pen tips are sharp and sharp. In addition, the needles used to collect hair from the scalp are not blunted, which prevents the patient from suffering.

    The needles are constantly changed during the procedure to prevent this blinding. If the FUE technique is used, using sapphire tipped pens instead of metal tipped pens causes much less damage to the scalp and speeds up the recovery time. If you find a good clinic in this regard, have the operation performed by an experienced surgeon and follow the recommendations before and after the transplantation and do not delay your controls, you will complete an extremely painless hair transplantation process.